That's what I feel I have been doing this last two weeks ..........................
On Wednesday, 26th February, around lunchtime, I got the call every wife dreads .............. Mr Fixit had been taken to Royal Adelaide Hospital by ambulance from work.
So, after a bit of a panic, a certain calm took over ............ I packed a toiletries bag for him, got fresh socks, jocks and tracky dacks. I knew parking in the city was going to be horrendous, but lucky for me, the bus at the bottom of our street stops right in front of RAH. When I got there, he was still being examined and they let me into the waiting area - the waiting had begun.
After about 20 mins, they came and got me and took me to him. He was having difficulties breathing and his heart rate was 'a bit high'. They managed to get everything under control, and he was shifted to another section, but still within Emergency Department, where he was monitored, with more waiting.
Finally, around 6:00 pm, he was admitted for overnight observations. I stayed with him and left when he was 'comfortable' at around 10 pm.
The trip home via the bus was fun ....... not :( Last week, the Fringe was on in Adelaide, so there were lots of people on the bus home, so I felt safe initially. However, the bus I caught terminated at our local shopping centre interchange and it was going to be quite a while until the next bus came along that went close to my home, so I rang for a taxi - wrong!!! all the taxis are in the City for the Fringe! I thought I was going to be stranded at the interchange ........... it was now 11.30 pm and I had rung three taxi companies ......... I explained that I was on my own, and they all reassured me that a taxi would be there soon. The irony is that whilst I was over waiting for a taxi, the bus that goes near my home turned up, but I couldn't get over to it quick enough before it pulled away. Eventually, 45 minutes later, one of my taxi's turned up. Once I was on my way home, I rang the other taxi companies to let them know I had eventually been picked up - the short 10 minute trip home cost $18.00 :(
Back to the hospital on Thursday, this time I was armed with something to keep me occupied while there was more waiting ................
I did try to start a ripple blanket, but couldn't concentrate, so I undid my mess and reverted to old faithful granny squares - I can do them blindfolded LOL |
RAH kept him in again Thursday night, and he was allowed to come home on Friday.
Anyway, not wishing to give out too much personal information, Mr Fixit has been diagnosed with a 'heart condition' and now there will be more opportunities for more waiting, whilst we await the results of some more tests and for the doctors to decide what action we need to take. Thankfully, they are leaning more towards a solution with medication, rather than surgery.
I must say at this point, the staff at RAH are simply wonderful! As well as Mr Fixit's workmates - one of them went and got Mr Fixit's car out of the carpark (it would have been fined/impounded leaving it there overnight) and parked it somewhere safe, until Friday when it could be collected.
Of course, with Mr Fixit home, my routine, such that it is, is thrown into chaos and things are being done on a slightly different timetable now ............... but that is OK, as I am really so very glad to still have him around :)
Thank you for visiting my blog today - I hope you have a good day.
Remember, any day doing something you love makes it a good day ;-)
Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.