Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Exploding Sewing Box

As some of you regular readers will know, I have been part of a Craft group, CraftMad, for many years.  One of the shining stars of our group is Kaye, she makes the most incredible creations ....... from cards to miniature houses (including making all the bits inside) and decorated eggs.

Kaye has outdone herself today, by showing an exploding box for a sewing friend ;-)

I post a tease photos here - stolen - pinched - borrowed from Kaye's blog.  Please go visit and have a look at the whole thing - it is absolutely GORGEOUS!

Thank you for visiting my blog today - I hope you have a good day.
Remember, any day doing something you love makes it a good day ;-)

Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.


  1. Thank you Cathy, you are so kind. Now I am blushing :)

  2. WOW what a fantastic idea and a wonderful gift. Love it!

  3. I missed to have a look. :-)


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