I received the most wonderful block from Wendy for the Christmas Block Swap
and was requested to make one in return
it was a bit daunting - my first attempt was a bit bigger than 12.5 inches
I didn't want this block to beat me, so I made another one for my CraftMad swap partner, Merry
this one was a bit better size wise, but still just a bit big :(
I am not going to be defeated by this block and will try it again!
Stay tuned for another Double Aster block real soon!
You may remember, I recently worked on a block for my Farmer's Wife ................ only one block, but I had several attempts at it
1st attempt - birds are too big |
2nd attempt - better sizes, but not going together well, and block is still a bit big |
3rd attempt - this one I used the templates - better sizes - but still a bit big :( |
I must admit, with all the un-sewing I have been doing lately,
I am really happy with my most recent purchase
A double ended seam ripper & awl - I certainly have been giving this new tool a real workout - I don't know where my mind has been - I seem to be doing more un-sewing than sewing lately LOL
This seam ripper is a lovely tool, nice and solid feeling in the hands, the finish is absolutely beautiful, and the photos just does not do the colour justice!
These seam rippers, in combinations or small & large rippers, or rippers & awls are available from
Alan's Pen Making on Facebook (as well as some gorgeous looking pens).
Anyway, just thought I would help spread the word - and give a shout out for their business.
Lana is a crafty friend I have 'known' for a while :) we 'met' on CraftMad many years ago.
Must be off now, it is Good Friday, and I am intending to get some serious sewing done this weekend, as well as some serious Easter Egg Eating!
Wishing you all a great Easter Weekend - I hope you get to do all the things you love, with the people you love!
Thank you for visiting my blog today - I hope you have a good day - any day doing something you love makes it a good day ;-)
Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.