Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Well, another month of lock-down, with only 1 trip out of the house each week for grocery shopping :)

Working on finishing a cross-stitch started in 199-something - that long ago, I can't remember.  There is only the back-stitching to do, so it is nearly there :)

The fingers got a bit crampy working with the hoop, so I switched to another UFO of hand stitching :)  Working on a Gail Pan design - Little Bird Sewing Set

Finishing off another UFO
Then .......... thanks to my lovely Bloggy/Facebook quilty friends, I discovered a group of Aussie designers have shared some beautiful designs for a stitch-a-long in a Facebook group :)
yeah, I know, I shouldn't really be starting anything new, but I was so inspired by what I saw on my quilty friends' blogs :)

I grabbed the first threads I could lay my hands on - red variegated - and started stitching.  In the end, I had about 4inches of thread left, so I just made it! 

I ransacked my sewing room and found a box containing threads that were received as part of the swap group I used to run called 'Fat Quarter Swap Australia'.  Each month a group of us would swap 2 Fat Quarters and sometimes there were some extra embroidery threads in the pack :)  I didn't do stitcheries back then, but I kept them thinking they might be useful one day LOL.

I have been well and truly bitten by the stitching bug - here is the next stitchery I have started :)

I am not that good a stitcher, but I have enjoyed the slow steady pace of stitching, and as I need to sit at the desk with a magnifier, that means I am not spending time on the computer, which for me, I feel is a much better distraction than reading news stories and facts & figures on Covid-19 :)

you can find the group on Facebook  Love & Hugs from Australia Stitch-A-Long

So all in all, a satisfactory amount of progress on some of my UFOs/PHDs (UnFinished Objects/Projects Half Done) for the month of April.

Thank you Cheryll for WOOFA, and many thanks to the 'Love & Hugs' designers for providing such wonderful designs :)

Thank you for visiting my blog today - I hope you have a good day - any day doing something you love makes it a good day ;-)

Saturday, April 18, 2020

FNSI - Friday, 17th April 2020

We are slowly adjusting to this 'stay at home, stay safe' thinking ...😷

So far, I have only been out once this week to do the grocery shopping.  We still hadn't been able to get toilet paper and things would have been quite desperate at the end of this week, but a friend was able to get some and made a quick 'pit stop/drive-by' to drop some on the front door step 😌

I have spent a bit of time in the sewing room, finishing off some 'rainbow stripes' for CHERISH do Good Stitches charity bee - this will have to wait till the next time I am out of the house to be posted.

FNSI (well in the afternoon) was quite enjoyable working on a UFO

... a bit of Port, chocolate and something to keep the hands busy ... what more does a girl need 😉

This cross stitch will count towards my April Woofa Challenge.

I was quite relieved to read that South Australia is doing particularly well with 'flattening the curve' and I do hope that some restrictions can start to be lifted some time during May 💕

Thank you for visiting my blog today - I hope you have a good day - any day doing something you love makes it a good day ;-)

Saturday, April 4, 2020

FNwF - April

I spent my Friday Night with Friends in my Sewing Room - well part of the afternoon if I am honest :)

Doing some much needed sorting of scraps - preparing for the next Cherish Do Good Stitches block

I have been sorting scraps, smaller than a Fat Quarter, into baskets.

Thank you for visiting my blog today - I hope you have a good day - any day doing something you love makes it a good day ;-)