Saturday, April 18, 2020

FNSI - Friday, 17th April 2020

We are slowly adjusting to this 'stay at home, stay safe' thinking ...😷

So far, I have only been out once this week to do the grocery shopping.  We still hadn't been able to get toilet paper and things would have been quite desperate at the end of this week, but a friend was able to get some and made a quick 'pit stop/drive-by' to drop some on the front door step 😌

I have spent a bit of time in the sewing room, finishing off some 'rainbow stripes' for CHERISH do Good Stitches charity bee - this will have to wait till the next time I am out of the house to be posted.

FNSI (well in the afternoon) was quite enjoyable working on a UFO

... a bit of Port, chocolate and something to keep the hands busy ... what more does a girl need 😉

This cross stitch will count towards my April Woofa Challenge.

I was quite relieved to read that South Australia is doing particularly well with 'flattening the curve' and I do hope that some restrictions can start to be lifted some time during May 💕

Thank you for visiting my blog today - I hope you have a good day - any day doing something you love makes it a good day ;-)


  1. Well who wouldn't enjoy a little sewing with port & chocolate close at hand.
    Maybe more enjoying than sewing in my xox

  2. Beautiful Rainbow strips .. It reminded me of the mini you made for me in Rainbow Dresden's that is in the frame now. Love it.
    Looks like you definitely were set up for a perfect FNSI....

    1. :) oh, yes - I remember that one! I really enjoyed coming up with the design for that one, especially the quilting lines :) I enjoyed being part of that swap :)

  3. Your rainbow stripes are gorgeous. That port and choccy looks good. Enjoy.

  4. I think quite a few WIPs and UFOs have had some attention due to the lockdowns.
    You can't beat a an hour or two spent cross stitching.

  5. Hi Cathy, chocolate, port and stitching - just add a good Netflix show or a good audiobook and that is my idea of heaven. I loved the glimpse of your stitching, too. We are hoping that sometime in May Dan Andrews starts lifting restrictions here in Vic, too, although he seems to be very hardline on matters, we are the only State with a golfing ban, I think - which is driving my husband loony! Stay safe and well, my dear friend.

  6. A great use of your scraps Cathy. It seems that you had a lovely afternoon stitching for FNSI - you must have been very comfortable there with the Port and chocolate. Oh and your cross-stitch!

  7. I think the Rainbow Stripes are really pretty! They will make a very nice quilt when assembled. Good for you with stitching, wine, and chocolate. Made for a rather enjoyable evening. Wish I was there!

  8. Love the rainbow strips - a great use of the stash. That cross stitch looks amazing - but love the chocolate & port addition.
    Glad you got the TP!!! its getting easier to get here in Brisbane ..and I think our curve is flattening..apart from 1 day were we had 6 new cases overnight - all in cairns hospital - staff I think....


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